Saturday, October 17, 2009

Caelan River O'Callaghan

Team OC is proud to announce the arrival of our newest team member, Caelan River O’Callaghan! Forced into the world at 2:20 am on Oct. 17th, he weighs 7.8 oz and is 19.5 inches long. Casey and Caelan are both doing great!

Friday, October 16, 2009

T - Minus 3 Hours

After 20 hours of being induced and only 1.5 centimeters dilated, the doctor states that the squatter may make it another day unless active labor starts within 3 hours.

Not being ready to let the squatter win his first battle while still in the cooker, Casey gets determined and her contractions start hitten hard. At 6:09 pm her water brakes and it is game fast can they get the epidural in...

Legal Loop Hole

Tenant finds legal loop hole and has eviction notice standoff....his squatters rights were not going to last long.

The boy listens through the wall as all try to beat down the door to serve the eviction notice.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Powerful Warrior


The name Caelan comes from the Irish origin. In Irish The meaning of the name Caelan is: Powerful warrior.

The Eviction Notice Has Been Given

Our doctor's appointment today exclaimed 'more of the same'. The doctor recommended we evict Caelan.

We politely asked that Caelan leave the place as he found it.

Dialation begins at 8pm and if the labor doesn't start naturally they will administer pitocin Friday morning.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Maternity photos

A big thank you to Elizabeth Gilje for taking maternity photos of Ryan and I at 37 weeks! Click here to view the pictures.

Any day now!

We've run out of room in this belly of mine and Caelan is recieving his final eviction notice. Our 41 week appointment is tomorrow and we'll be checked to see if my body is ready to be induced. Ryan and I are still hoping Caelan comes on his own but we're also very eager to meet him!

Friday, October 2, 2009

39 weeks!

Today marks 39 weeks pregnant. We'll be welcoming Caelan any day now! Our bags are packed and the carseat installed. We're as ready as we'll ever be. At this point we're just taking things one day at a time and enjoying our last days as a family of three.