Our little guy spends his days playing with mom, dad, Nanny Chris, Papa Rich, as well as his numerous aunties, uncles, cousins, and pseudo-aunts and uncles. He's had many out-of-town visitors too including Grammy Renee and Grandpa and Grandma OC. Caelan is one lucky little man and I think his smile will keep everyone coming back for more!
Caelan's most recent favorite game is to push off with his legs as he "bounces" into the air! He still loves to show off his "standing" skills, especially when there's an audience! He's also mastering the art of flirting!
Caelan started rice cereal a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes he likes it and wants to help us feed him. Other times he hates it. And trust me, you'd know by his reaction when he wants nothing to do with the cereal. At those times we can't get him out of his chair fast enough!!!
He is so cute and chubby! I want to come over soon to squeeze those adorable cheeks!